Back in the Habit

Shlomi Fish on 2007-04-22T13:10:06

I've gotten somewhat excited lately, and had lots of great ideas for essays, articles, etc. As a result, most of what I could get myself to write was text rather than code, and the code I wrote was relatively small shell or Perl code for my own use. However, a few days ago, I decided to return to Test-Run, and hack on it a bit.

At first I wrote an email message that made the case for converting the core Test::Run module from the GPL+Artistic licence to the MIT X11 licence. Now, since the GPL+Artistic combo is recursive, this involves a gradual rewrite. I started working on doing that for Test::Run::Plugin::CmdLine::Output, which I since have completely rewritten. In the course of this, I was able to heavily refactor and improve the quality of the code, which was a nice by-product of the rewrite.

In the middle, I got a bit tired of doing that, and instead went on to refactor and extend the functionality of the command line modules. I added a more generalised and re-usable environment variables handling for handling reading data structures from YAML files, or for specifying a hash mapping in LS_COLORS style.

As it turns out, I eventually found a use for Text-Sprintf-Named in Test:Run, although not in the original context, but rather to allow some refactoring of the ::Output plugin. Since I wanted to call some methods on an object reference, instead of accessing the variables themselves, I had to release a new version of the module (version 0.02).

The Subversion server is down at the moment, so if you want to try it for yourself, you'll have to download the temporary snapshot of my working copy.

Writing code again feels really good.